Dena Silliman Nielson, J.D., is an author and recently retired attorney who spent 25 years practicing law.  Dena has represented clients at all justice system levels, from rural tribal courts in Oklahoma to the United States Supreme Court.  Her areas of expertise are family law and Native American law.  Along with her practice, Dena has continuously taught law students and paralegals.  Dena is a trained negotiator and divorce mediator and served as a Certified Intermediary in Oklahoma.  

After graduating Summa Cum Laude from Central State University in Edmond, Oklahoma, Dena attended the University of Oklahoma School of Law in Norman, Oklahoma, where she was the Editor-in-Chief of the American Indian Law Review during her final year of law school.  After practicing in Oklahoma for a few years, Dena moved to Colorado and ultimately opened her firm, focusing on family law exclusively.

Dena has had numerous published legal cases and several published law review articles during her practice.  Most recently, Dena contributed to the American Bar Association’s “Grit, The Secret to Advancement: Stories of Successful Women Lawyers.”  Dena has also had articles focused on divorce published in various periodicals, such as iPain Magazine and USA Today Magazine. Currently, Dena is focused on working with and advocating for those in divorce to help them survive the process and reclaim their happiness in their new normal following the divorce. These efforts surround her abilities as an author, educator, coach, and speaker.

Dena currently resides in Whitney, Texas, with her husband, Bill, and their little dog, Buddy.  Dena and Bill have 5 children and 5 grandchildren, all of whom reside in Colorado.

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