My Next Adventure?

Am I the only one having a hard time getting back in the groove? I’ve read several articles lately where people are saying that they have hit the “pandemic wall”. I know that must be my problem. After finishing and publishing my book, Common Sense Divorce, I have hardly had any interest in writing anything else. It is a struggle to even come into my office and turn on the computer. Maybe it is just mild burn-out from all the craziness of the publishing and launching and marketing, etc. But I have to get back to doing something. I have other books to get done, after all.

I’ve been undecided about what to do next. Honestly, I know I need an audio book and maybe a workbook for the first book. And I will get that done in time. But I think my next big project is the first book in a series of legal fiction – at least 3 books. They will focus on Kat (short for Katherine) Graham. She became an attorney at 41 after having her children at 32 and 34. (sound familiar?) She is in a bad marriage herself but spends all of her professional time trying to help people that probably have no one else to turn to. She takes the cases that no other lawyer will touch. These books will center on at least 3 of these cases.

First, the adoption gone bad case. This case is very involved and does not have an immediate happy ending. It takes 21 years for the happy part to be real. But it does finally happen. The title I’ve carried around for years on this story is “Immoral Justice”. I may stick with that for the time being. Or it could change depending on how the story goes.

The second book doesn’t have a title yet but will be about an 8-year-old little girl (at least at the start of the book) that does not know who her real Dad is. She is being raised by a mother that is more interested in her own life than she is raising her daughter. At 8 years old she knows the difference between beer, whiskey, and marijuana. She knows how to mix a margarita better than some adults and can have an intelligent conversation about sex – if you want. She is very mature for her age but that is not always a good thing. Her Mom eventually finds a good man who she believes loves her. In reality, the good man loves the little girl and wants to get her out of her current situation. There’s lots of twists and turns in this story, but I think it will make for some good story telling and maybe teach a lesson or two.

The last book is still being developed so I’m keeping that close to the vest right now. But I think at least a 3 book series might be doable. These stories are very loosely based on real cases that I’ve had during my practice, but of course the names will be changed and the facts will be embellished or changed to protect the innocent or guilty, as the case may be. 

So what do you think? I thought this might bring in more readers than a book called “Common Sense Co-Parenting” – although I could write that book too.  Please let me know what you think. I really need a little feedback here.  Thanks for your help.


Sticking It to the Kids


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